Braille Transcribers of Humboldt
POB 6363, Eureka CA, 95502
10 W. 7th Street, Suite D
(707) 442-4048
If you would like to help the blind and
visually impaired to read, you might consider joining one of the many braille
transcribing groups across the country.
The Braille Transcribers of Humboldt was organized in 1974 by a few dedicated
people who had no previous experience in braille transcription. Their first
meeting places were in each others homes and garages. Over the years, an office
and equipment was secured. Through the years we average 12 members and since we
are a teaching group, there is usually at least one student. Most
of our members are, and always have been, retirees.
This group is an important part of the community. Without it local people and
businesses would have to search far afield for the services they provide. They
have brailled such simple things as the verse on a birthday or other greeting
card up to complex knitting instructions; menus for local restaurants; business
manuals for blind entrepreneurs; textbooks; and children's books for the
Kenneth Jernigan Library for Blind Children (about 250 per year) These books
from the Jernigan Library are available (free lending library) to all 50 states
and Canada. They also help service organizations communicate with their blind
& deaf clients.
The Humboldt Group is always looking for new members to join them in the
production of brailled materials. They provide new students with the necessary
text books and equipment and guide them through the lessons. Students proceed
at their own pace. After "graduation" and spending a certain amount
of time doing children's books and helping with other types of material, the
braillist can then apply to the Library of Congress for certification in
literary braille. This is done by submitting a Trial Manuscript which must meet
the Braille Development Section's high standards.
If you live in the area, want to learn Braille transcribing and can attend at
least two Friday morning meetings a month (10:30 - 12:00), you are welcome to
join our group. If you don't live nearby, you can take a course with the
Braille Development Section of The Library of Congress. It is recommended
that you look for a group in your local area.
Thank you for the visit.
This page was last modified ... 14 Mar 2008.
-- -- To Be Remembered -- --
Harvey Jossem died December 28th 2007 of a Myocardial Infarction. He was 77.
To read some of his story, click here.
Jean Wellington: -
Jean died at his McKinleyville home July 28, 2007, at the age of 73.
Bob Whipkey died December 2nd, 2006, we miss him.
To read his obituary, click here.
This website will stay up in a smaller way.
To go to some senior and braille related links, click here.